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Essential Question and Guiding Questions for International Travel


How do developing countries see the relevance of science content, especially topics related to the environment?


In advance of the trip what research or preparation should I complete?

the US and Brazil: What science is being taught? What is the role of science in everyday life?  What is being done (from a general perspective)?


Cross-Cultural Theme

Role of Science in school , in instruction, in everday life?




Science important to everyone world wide

Developing countries teach the same science content as the US.

Individuals are aware of science as relevant to their everyday lives.


What primary source materials or first-hand accounts should I plan to collect while I’m in my host country?

First hand accounts from Brazilian teachers, students, community people, general population.

Review curriculum  from US and Brazil perspectives

Create and share "lens" for US and Brazilian school class


Supporting Questions

Role of Science in everydy life: relevance, awareness, etc

What science I know and how it personally help me now and in the future.

Science literacy


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