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Local Community Resource List


(completed by August 15, 2015):

While you will encounter many online resources from organizations working all over the country and world, this is a space to feature global connections within your own community. Compiling this list may mean that you will need to look at members of the local community through a new lens:

 What businesses in the local area/state have meaningful global connections?

 How are volunteer organizations in your home community or state engaging globally?

 Does your city (or a city nearby) have an international sister city in another country?

 Are there libraries or resource centers that provide access to information and differing perspectives on issues of global significance?

 Are there local media institutions connecting with international actors and issues?

 What local/state colleges or institutions have international students or visitors?

 Is there a community member who can speak to the impact that global issues or an international experience has had on their life? (veterans, returned peace corp volunteers, people who have had a study or work abroad experience?)

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