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Standard-based Global Education


All standards are the Florida Sunshine State Standards for Science 7th grade      Website:

1st Standard

  • SC.7.E.6.6  Identify the impact that humans have had on Earth, such as deforestation, urbanization, desertification, erosion, air and water quality, changing the flow of water.

  • *Generally I would have the students identify human impact upon the Earth from various countries or cultural areas.

    *Here is a deeper example: Students must explore and assess the implications various human and environmental factors are having on indicator species population in areas around the world. Then, they must choose one avenue to attempt to help save these animals. Some options will work quickly, while others will take time to implement. However, the ones that take longer to implement are generally more likely to be effective for a longer period of time. Students will use knowledge of percentages to calculate population size and will complete research to explore the affects of human impact on the environment and the process of adaptation through natural and artificial selection.

  • TGC resources: TedxNYeD-Empowering innovation in education; Education for Global Citizenship-Oxfam’s Knowledge and Understanding section.

  • Formative Assessment: Develop comprehension readiness questions that can be used as formative assessment. Readiness questions will indicate whether the students understand the problem and the problem context. The readiness questions are asked of students after they read the introduction reading passage about indicator species and human impact. The teacher can ask the class to respond to these questions and ensure understanding before students begin working with the data.


2nd  Standard

  • SC.7.L.16.4  Recognize and explore the impact of biotechnology (cloning, genetic engineering, artificial selection) on the individual, society and the environment.

  • * Generally I would have the students do it from other points of view (such as cultural, geographic, and political)

    * An example activity: Since we are currently being faced with many challenges to the natural resources in our environment. In this activity students can begin to find alternatives to using resources such as soil, in a healthier and "greener" way specific to a geographic and cultural area. This activity can also be used to open up discussion and debate about topics such a quantity versus quality of produce as well as cost and demand.

  • TGC resources: Cosmopolitan Education by McCarty; Education for Global Competence: Skills

  • Formative Assessment: The comprehension questions/readiness questions and reflection questions can be used as formative assessment. Comprehension and readiness questions will indicate whether the students understand the problem and the problem context, and reflection questions are meant to elicit students’ thinking as they are working through the problem. Students' responses to the reflective questions can also indicate whether scaffolding is needed. The reflection questions are asked by the teacher as students are working in their groups. These questions can reveal any misunderstanding or issues that students have as well as guide them to think about what they are doing.

Summative Assessment: Teacher will measure student learning through/by student presentations using a rubric.


3rd Standard

  • SC.7.N.1.6  Explain that empirical evidence is the cumulative body of observations of a natural phenomenon on which scientific explanations are based.

  • * Generally I would have the study of phenomenon that occurs in many locations worldwide. * A specific lesson would be to have the students analyze a set of data from various worldwide locations to determine the best eradication technique for a town experiencing a mosquito infestation. Students will need to consider cost, impact on the environment, and effectiveness of the methods presented to them.

  • TGC resources: Educating for Global Competence-disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding section.

  • Formative Assessment: The formative assessment questions should be given to students in 2 different stages. Stage 1 questions would be Guiding/reflective questions and would be given to students after they analyze initial data. Stage 2 questions (Reflection questions) would be given to students after they analyze a more in-depth type of data

Summative Assessment: I will use the rubric to grade students on their letter to the town with their solution.

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